Sunday, December 1, 2019

Southeast Asia an Example of the Topic History Essays by

Southeast Asia by Expert Ivy Writer {PhD} | 21 Nov 2016 The challenges faced by developing countries are widespread among the continents of the world. They are not restricted to the countries of West Africa nor are they specific to south East Asia. These nations have underlying societal challenges based on cogent industrial and administrative roles that affect them; some of these issues are peculiar to specific region while others are common to all. Such nations have not acquired the strength of sophisticated industrialization known with developed Industrials nations; the economic and financial prowess to foster such changes are either absent or poorly managed by incompetent leaders. Apart room industrialization, there is also a slow rate of globalization because of the limit of resources to facilitate the preliminary interactions, and sustain it. Need essay sample on "Southeast Asia" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed In Asia as a region there, are a number of issues that need paramount attention, including tribal disputes, international and regional terrorism, the Oil bloom factor and the role of Israel in the affairs of Asia. Besides, the ongoing face-off between North Korea and the\United states is also a current issue with future implication for the region. The reason these issues are important is because the economy of the region is keenly interrelated because of proximity of beliefs in most parts of Asia, and the political stability of the region has an influence on member nations. Such uncertainty cast worse spells on developing nations within the region. An understanding of the regional issues makes it easier to appreciate local matters, and intervene appropriately. Another issue also of concern is the gradual pace of westernization of values due to the slowly penetrating globalization. In light of this, it is important to note cultural heritage lie on dangerous pedestal if active efforts are not taken to curtail this spread, or monitor its detrimental effects on the existing culture within the region. Cultural diversification has a way of influencing the will and type of leadership, their programs and policies; it also influences the expectations of the populace and their inclination to followership The double disease burden also influences the input of leadership in the region. No matter the extent of intervention, it is equally important to be able to ameliorate the health status of the populace; this is best done by first knowing what the problem is. The challenge is a double disease burden which does not only pose a current challenge but that with effects of national growth and output in decades to come. Infectious diseases and coronary artery diseases create challenges in this locality, and have effect on the working age group. The scourge of HIV/AIDS has not exempted the developing nations of south East Asia, many are also affected I the region especially those especially those in their youth. The level of ignorance and access to education is also another issue of paramount concern; this is keenly linked to the prevalent poverty in the region. The latter is pellucid on the dinning tables of a typical family in the region, obvious on their clothes and visible to the eyes in the daily pursuit. The vast array of ignorance and widespread poverty are almost inseparable posing a critical challenge for any existing leadership, whether local, national or regional. The environment can not be ignored. It is an important part of society. In fact, it is indispensable for survival. Unfortunately, in recent times the quality of natural service offered by our environment is fast diminishing, in compliance with the law of diminishing returns. Of note among other environmental issues is the global warming crisis. A lot of discussion and research is to unravel the extent of damage of the ozone layer, and the aftermath of such depletion on penetration of ultraviolet rays to the earth. It is important to however point that part from the socio-political, economic and health issues of concern in the region, global warming poses a great deal of danger to life on the planet. It has very detrimental effect on the economy of developing nation; it contributes to fast depletion of energy resources. There is a huge dependence of energy resources within the region, whether renewable or non-renewable resources they stand the risk of depletion. This would border severely on the economy of these poor nations. It would cause a geometric increase in prices, and this would definitely affect the purchasing power of our people. Indeed, the level of poverty would rise if nothing is done now and then, to forestall the challenges that may arise from the crisis. One of the severe damage of the ozone layer depletion accompanied by the global warming phenomenon is damage to the weather. There would be unstable weather and climatic conditions. Since agricultural activities are dependent heavily on the state of weather, on such factors as relative humidity, rainfall, sunlight, a major alteration caused by this crisis would definitely alter the efficiency the agro-economy of the developing nations in the region of concern. Decreased food production would obviously not improve poverty, not alleviate its accompanying symptoms; it would not in any way ameliorate the scourge of infectious diseases nor would it reduce create job opportunities for the population. What makes the challenge worse is the propensity to continue massive production of carbon dioxide that would keep the vicious cycle rising from this region. My Role These challenges for the bulk of issues that would affect the region in the next ten years: globalization and its risk, cultural diversification, industrialization and its burden, health disorders and environmental degradation through global warming. These issues require urgent attention, and prompt intervention. There is need for a sustainable environment but these factors strongly militate against this from all angles. We can not use the weapons of today of today to create a bad status quo, preparing ground for worse adversities in the future. This necessitates the presence of a leader. As an architect, I would be ready to make an impact to improve conditions of life in my country. Having fully laid a strong foundation for understanding these challenges, it becomes less Herculean to handle them. I understand that there are a number of leadership styles that can be adopted to intervene in this situation. As a preliminary transformational, it is not difficult to handle these matters. It is about pulling resources together, create a vision and carry every around me along. This is the means by which I would approach the issues of sustaining the cultural heritage. A people that forget the elements of their past are doomed to loss in the midst of the crooked world; they are bound to have serious identity crises that would deter true and effective leadership which is essential to the present state of things and the future. My people would be ready to resurrect all dead elements of our culture. Indeed, as an architect, I value such arts and beautiful monuments laid by our ancestors and forefathers. Their labor of love and patriotism would not be in vain. We can achieve this building a national museum of arts and culture where people can keep, know and find out about the cultural heritage that is peculiar to our land. Such would also encourage research into history and create a pathway for the future. This is important because until we know where we are coming from, it is difficult to understand where we are and how to go to where we desire. This monument would also seek to encourage programs and exhibitions that bring to fur our cultural heritage. This would impact on the young people, and give them a deep sense of belonging. I can initiate the move to construct such monument and contact appropriate authorities to make the dream a reality. Besides, the issue of environmental degradation is not a one man affair as it has to be handled by a wide range of people and organizations including the active involvement of government. As a leader who has adopted transformational style, it is important to consider situational leadership as well in this instance so that there can improved efficiency. This would give room to look into factors and make decision based on them. Leading a campaign for enlightenment on global warming crisis also constitutes a major avenue to get the attention of the public to the matter and initiate work by respective organizations. To a reasonable extent, I would have an impact and the societys awareness would create media reports and facilitate government intervention. There would also be need for continuous local actions to maintain environmental sanity. References Climatic challenges. Health challenges. - Leadership challenges in the 21st century Southeast Asia: regional integration, competitiveness and community building. Ong Keng Yong ... ASEAN to issue 2 statements on tackling climate change issue Channel News Asia,Singapore- Nov 12, 2007 By S Ramesh, Channel news Asia

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